Billy-Diamond Highway and Chisasibi road maintenance and rehabilitation work 2023/2024

Information on the project


Société de développement de la Baie-James


Provincial Administrator

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The proponent is planning road maintenance and rehabilitation work at km 453 and 454 of the Billy Diamond Highway (RBD) and km 37 and 65 of Chisasibi Road (CHC). The planned work will require a large supply of granular materials and thus, require the opening of two new quarries along the RBD. These new quarries are located near the RBD, but access roads (450 meters and 140 meters) as well as work areas for equipment are to be expected. The opening of two new quarries will also be necessary for the work on the CHC. Road access for these quarries are already present as former quarries are located near to the rocky outcrop that will be exploited. The old platforms of these older quarries will be used for the equipment work areas, which would further avoid encroachment. The proponent is planning to operate a mobile asphalt concrete plant until the completion of the work for each of the targeted sites.


Preliminary information

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Table provided by MELCCFP


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